Ready for a spring clean of your mind, declutter your mind Mindset

Ready for a spring clean?

von Babett Wollin, 10.05.2023

After a quite long winter this year, everyone is very happy to see the first signs of spring. Do you also feel this excitement, hopefulness and overflow of energy in spring? Wonderful. Then here comes my invitation: use this energy to do some tidying up in your life. Get rid of clutter.

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20 Quotes about courage

by Babett Wollin, 19.03.2021

This month’s blog is about courage. We live in unprecedented and challenging times and one thing that is so essential now is courage and not giving into fear and worry. It does not need many words. Instead I want to share some powerful quotes about courage and let others speak. I want to share the wisdom of generations before and what they had to say. 

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